朱苗勇 Zhu Miaoyong

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 18:36  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Zhu Miaoyong


Northeastern University, Dean/Professor

朱苗勇,1965年6生,浙江诸暨人,教授,博士生导师,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选新世纪国家百千万人才工程。分别于1988年、1991年和1994年获东北大学钢铁冶金专业学士、硕士、博士学位,1996年3月在东北大学冶金博士后流动站完成博士后研究后留校任教。分别于1993、1995年和1997年3次赴日本新日铁从事博士学位、博士后和访问学者研究15个月,1998年赴瑞典皇家工学院冶金系从事客座研究6个月。1999年晋升教授,2001年获博士生导师资格,2004年被评聘为二级教授。现任东北大学冶金学院院长,先进冶炼-连铸工艺与装备研究所所长,教育部科技委材料学部委员,中国金属学会炼钢分会、连铸分会、冶金反应工程分会副主任委员,《材料与冶金学报》主编,《工程科学学报》《连铸》副主编,《J. Int. Min. Metall. Mat.》《J. Iron and Steel Res. Int.》《钢铁》《钢铁研究学报》编委。从事洁净钢冶炼、高效连铸、冶金过程仿真与控制等研究。荣获魏寿昆科技教育奖(青年冶金奖)、宝钢优秀教师特等奖。

Zhu Miaoyong, born 6 years in 1965, was born in Zhuji, Zhejiang, a professor, a doctoral tutor, a distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars from the Ministry of Education, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, and was selected as a national talent project in the new century. He received bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees in iron and steel metallurgy from Northeastern University in 1988, 1991, and 1994, respectively. After completing postdoctoral research at Northeastern University's postdoctoral mobile station in March 1996, he remained as a teacher. In 1993, 1995 and 1997, he went to Nippon Steel Japan for 3 months to do Ph.D., postdoctoral and visiting scholar research for 15 months. In 1998, he went to the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology for 6 months for guest research. Promoted to professor in 1999, qualified as a doctoral tutor in 2001, and evaluated as a second-level professor in 2004. He is currently the dean of the School of Metallurgy of Northeastern University, the director of the Institute of Advanced Smelting-Continuous Casting Technology and Equipment, the member of the Materials Department of the Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Education, and the deputy director of the Steelmaking Branch, Continuous Casting Branch and Metallurgical Reaction Engineering Branch of the Chinese Metal Society. Editor-in-Chief of "Journal of Metallurgy", Associate Editor-in-Chief of "Journal of Engineering Science" and "Continuous Casting", "J. Int. Min. Metall. Mat.", "J. Iron and Steel Res. Int." Commission. Engaged in research on clean steel smelting, efficient continuous casting, metallurgical process simulation and control. Won the Wei Shoukun Science and Technology Education Award (Youth Metallurgy Award), Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Special Award.