张玉柱 Yuzhu Zhang

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 18:27  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Yuzhu Zhang


North China University of Science and Technology, Professor


Professor and doctoral supervisor of North China University of Science and Technology, former Secretary of the Party committee of North China University of Science and Technology. He has successively served as the director of China metal society, member of the metallurgical discipline evaluation group of the State Council, and member of the education index Committee. Vice president of Hebei metal society, vice president of Hebei Metallurgical Industry Association, editorial board member of iron and steel and journal of iron and steel research. Enjoy the government subsidies of the State Council, the head of the national teaching team, Hebei high-end talents, provincial management experts, Yanzhao scholars, Hebei famous teachers, leading talents of the provincial giant plan. He has presided over and completed more than 40 vertical and horizontal scientific research projects such as the national science and technology support plan and the National Natural Science Foundation. He has won 1 second prize for national science and technology progress, 1 special prize for the governor of Hebei Province, 3 first prizes for provincial science and technology progress, 3 second prizes, 2 first prizes and 2 second prizes for excellent teaching achievements. He has published 8 monographs and more than 140 papers in domestic and foreign journals, among which more than 40 papers have been included in three indexes.