翟启杰 Qijie Zhai

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 18:22  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Qijie Zhai


Shanghai University, Professor

翟启杰, 教授,博导。国家技术发明奖第一获奖人、国务院特殊津贴专家,教育部跨世纪优秀人才,上海市优秀学科带头人及领军人才。现任上海大学先进凝固技术中心主任,中国铸造学会副理事长,中国材料研究学会凝固分会副主任,上海金属学会副理事长、世界铸造组织黑色金属技术委员会委员和6种学术期刊编委会副主任。长期从事金属凝固过程与控制技术研究。先后主持国家863、973和基金委重大专项等各类科研项目80余项。提出了金属凝固过程热模拟技术和脉冲磁致振荡凝固均质化技术,开发出离心铸造双金属复合辊圈等9项新产品。获得国家及地方科技奖9项,申报及获得发明专利110余项。发表学术论文近500篇,出版专著3部。

Qijie Zhai, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanghai University, the first winner of National Technology Invention Award, expert enjoying the State Council Special Allowance, Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talent, Shanghai outstanding subject leader and talent. At present, he is the director of Center for Advanced Solidification Technology, the vice-president of China Foundry Association, the vice-director of the solidification branch of Chinese Materials Research Society, the vice-president of Shanghai Metal Society, the technical committee member of ferrous metal in World Foundry Organization, the vice-director of the editing committee for 6 academic journals. His main research fields are the metal solidification process and control technology. He successively presided over more than 80 scientific research projects, including national 863, 973 and major special projects of NSFC. He put forward the thermal simulation technology of metal solidification process and solidification homogenization technology using pulse magnetic oscillation, and developed nine new products, such as centrifugal casting, double metal composite roller ring. He has won 9 state and local science and technology awards, obtained more than 110 invention patents, published nearly 500 papers, and published three monographs.