杨 斌 Bin Yang

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 18:11  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Bin Yang


Kunming University of Science and Technology, Vice President/Professor


Bin Yang, male, professor, doctoral tutor. He is a famous expert in s nonferrous metal metallurgy industry in China. He is the vice president of Kunming University of Science and Technology, the executive deputy director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Vacuum Metallurgy, the deputy director of State Key Laboratory for Clean Utilization of Complex Nonferrous Metal Resources, a member of the Discipline Evaluation Group of the State Council, a leader of the Innovation Teams of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education, one of the Science and Technology Leading Talents of the National Ten Thousand Talents Plan. He has long been engaged in non-ferrous metals metallurgy of scientific research and teaching work, He invented the "green and highly efficient precious metal extraction technology", "complex tin alloy vacuum distillation technology", etc., which solved the problems of smelting and purification of precious metals such as silver and gold, tin lead, bismuth, cadmium and zinc, selenium, tellurium, etc., and promoted the green development of nonferrous metal metallurgy industry. His research results have been widely used in domestic metallurgical enterprises and extended to the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Malaysia, Taiwan and other regions, making outstanding contributions to the technological progress of nonferrous metal metallurgical industry. He has won Second Prizes of National Technology Invention twice (ranking 1 and 3 respectively), Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress once (ranking 1), and Scientific and Technological Innovation Award of He Liang He Li Foundation once.