顾勤奋 Qinfen Gu

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 14:58  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Qinfen Gu


Australian national synchrotron radiation center, Principal investigator

顾勤奋博士围绕利用中子光源衍射 (Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering) & 同步辐射光源 (Australian Synchrotron) 的X射线粉末衍射(PXRD)、小角散射(SAXS)、原位吸收光谱(XAS)等技术,开展了一系列面向储能、环境等应用领域的相关材料的研究合作。尤其基于同步辐射光源的X射线测试技术,从多个维度表征解析材料的形貌、结构等物化信息,探明材料的反应机制与机理。同时,基于理论计算模拟,采用第一性原理计算(DFT)用于来辅助验证实验结果、预测并拓展实验思路。报告人相关合作研究成果共发表SCI论文150余篇,并且多次担任 Nature Comm. , Sci. Rep. , J Phys. Chem. C, RSC Adv. , Adv. Energy Mater. , Int. J. Hydrog. Energy等SCI期刊审稿人。

Focusing on X-ray powder diffraction (PXRD), small Angle Scattering (SAXS) and in-situ absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of Australian Synchrotron with Neutron source diffraction (Australian Centre for Neutron emission) and Synchrotron, Dr. Gu has carried out a series of research cooperation on related materials in energy storage, environment and other application fields. In particular, based on the X-ray testing technology of synchrotron radiation source, the physical and chemical information such as the morphology and structure of the material are represented and analyzed from multiple dimensions to explore the reaction mechanism and mechanism of the material. At the same time, based on the theoretical calculation simulation, the first-principles calculation (DFT) is used to assist the verification of experimental results, prediction and expansion of experimental ideas. The reporter has published more than 150 SCI papers related to cooperative research results, and served as the reviewer of SCI journals such as Nature Comm., SCI. Rep., J Phys. Chem. C, RSC Adv., Adv. Energy Mater., Int. J. Hydrog