关绍康 Shaokang Guan

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 15:05  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Shaokang Guan


Zhengzhou University, Vice President/Professor


Shaokang Guan, professor, doctoral supervisor and vice president of Zhengzhou University who enjoys the Governmcnt Special Allowance of the State Council. He is currently the director of Henan Key Laboratory of Advanced Magnesium Alloys, member of the Teaching Guidance Committee of the Material Specialty of the Ministry of Education, director of the Chinese Academy of Biomaterials Member, Vice Chairman of Magnesium Alloy Branch of China Society for Materials Research and Standing director of China Nonferrous Metals Society. He is mainly engaged in the research work on the design and processing technology of biomagnesium alloy materials and high-performance aluminum alloy materials. He has undertaken nearly 30 projects, including the national "863", national "973", national support plans, national key research and development projects, and national natural fund key projects. He has authored 8 academic monographs and textbooks, published more than 160 SCI papers, cited more than 2,500 times, H factor of 25, and 1 highly cited paper; He has authorized 27 national invention patents; won the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress first and second prizes 8 items; won the second prize of national teaching achievement award, Henan Province teaching achievement special prize, Baosteel outstanding teacher special prize nomination and other awards.