牟望重 Wangzhong Mu

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 16:20  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Wangzhong Mu


KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Senior researcher (Research faculty)

本科硕士毕业于东北大学,2015年博士毕业于瑞典皇家工学院(KTH),先后在加拿大麦克马斯特大学、日本东北大学进行科研工作,目前任职于材料科学与工程系,研究方向为: 洁净钢夹杂物控制,氧化物冶金,先进钢铁材料相变基础理论,大数据机器学习,冶金资源回收等。

Wangzhong Mu obtains his bachor and master degree from Northeastern University, and PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2015, Subsequently he worked in McMaster University, Canada and Tohoku university, Japan. He comes back to work in KTH since 2018, and his research focuse on inclusion control, oxide metallurgy, machine learning (big data), recycling, etc.