王华 Wang Hua

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 16:37  黄浩斐    浏览次数:


Wang Hua


Dali University, President


Wang Hua, professor, doctoral supervisor, Dali university President, the national ten thousand program of science and technology talents, the new century national pacesetter project choice, enjoy special government allowances of the State Council, experts, national excellent science and technology workers, yunnan science and technology talents, concurrently hold the position of director of the institute of China nonferrous metals, international conference on power engineering international committee, vice chairman of association for science and technology of yunnan province, China nonferrous metals association professional committee, director of the energy saving and emission reduction. Research work and personnel training are carried out in the field of thermal process strengthening and energy conservation and emission reduction in metallurgical furnaces. It has undertaken 38 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, published 216 SCI/EI retrieval papers, cited the SCI for 1,930 times, published 7 monographs and textbooks, won 79 invention patents, He obtained first prize of national science and technology progress award, Innovation Award of China's Industry-University-Research Cooperation and China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Science and Technology first prize, Yunnan province science and technology progress special prize .