Jean-Marie Lehn

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Jean-Marie Lehn


Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, Professor

JEAN-MARIE LEHN于1939年出生于法国罗塞姆。1970年,JEAN-MARIE LEHN成为斯特拉斯堡大学的化学教授,1979至2010年间任法兰西公学院教授。目前,他是斯特拉斯堡大学先进研究所(USIAS)的教授。1987年,他因在“分子识别”(也就是受体分子与底物识别并选择性地结合)的化学基础方面的研究,这一作用在生物过程中也扮演着至关重要的角色,与他人共享诺贝尔化学奖。通过多年以来的努力,他定义了一个全新的化学领域,并将这个领域称为“超分子化学”,因为它涉及的是两种或更多的化学物种通过非共价分子间作用力缔合在一起而形成的复杂实体,而分子化学关注的是原子由共价键结合在一起构建的实体。该领域进一步发展为“自组织”过程化学,最近又向具有动态网络和复杂系统的“自适应化学”演进。LEHN已发表了1000多部科学论文,同时也是许多学会的院士和学术机构的委员,在国际上获得过无数荣誉和奖励。

Jean-Marie LEHN was born in Rosheim, France in 1939. In 1970 he became Professor of Chemistry at the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg and from 1979 to 2010 he was Professor at the Collège de France in Paris. He is presently Professor at the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS). He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987 for his studies on the chemical basis of “molecular recognition” (i.e. the way in which a receptor molecule recognizes and selectively binds a substrate), which also plays a fundamental role in biological processes. Over the years his work led him to the definition of a new field of chemistry, which he has proposed calling “supramolecular chemistry” as it deals with the complex entities formed by the association of two or more chemical species held together by non-covalent intermolecular forces, whereas molecular chemistry concerns the entities constructed from atoms linked by covalent bonds. Subsequently, the area developed into the chemistry of "self-organization" processes and more recently towards "adaptive chemistry", dynamic networks and complex systems. Author of over 1000 scientific publications, Lehn is a member of many academies and institutions. He has received numerous international honours and awards.