Sean Li

创建时间:  2020年04月26日 14:02  黄浩斐    浏览次数:

Sean Li


Professor of University of New South Wales

Sean Li教授是新南威尔士大学材料与制造业未来研究所的主任,该研究所由新南威尔士大学20多名领先的教授和学者组成,是新南威尔士大学关键的研究基础设施之一。未来研究所旨在推动未来材料和制造研究从操纵原子排列转变为设备装配和高通量工业规模制造,并且解决能源、交通、信息技术和医疗卫生领域的复杂问题。研究所拥有大量独特且世界一流的研究设施,这些设施经专门设计,完全适合先进材料和制造技术的开发,总价值超过1500万澳元。Li教授的主要研究方向是多功能复合氧化物及其异质结构独特的物理特性。目前,他主持着多个材料制造项目,主持项目金额达2300万澳元。

Professor Sean Li is the director of UNSW Materials and Manufacturing Futures Institute, which consists of more than 20 leading professors and academics at UNSW. The futures institute aims to transform the future of materials and manufacturing research from manipulation of atomic arrangements to device fabrication and high throughput industry scale manufacturing and solve complex problems in energy, transport, information technology, and healthcare. It is equipped with a number of unique and world-class research facilities, which is specially designed and fully geared towards the development of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies with a total value of more than AUD$15 million. It is one of the key research infrastructures at UNSW. Professor Li’s fundamental research interests mainly focus on multifunctional complex oxides and exotic physical properties of their heterostructures. He is also implementing several materials manufacturing projects with the funding of AUD$23 million from industry.